Tags: QR Codes

Av. Cerdanyola 75, , , , 08192
0 reviews

With QRfy, you can generate custom QR codes with your favorite logo, frame, and colors. With your QR Code Generator, they'll be ready in just 5 minutes. You can create all kinds of QR codes, from a QR for your web page to a QR for your professional vCard, or upload a PDF or Video document. You can create as many QR codes as you need and forget about having to print a QR code again when you change the content because our QR codes are dynamic. What are you waiting for to try it?  

Category Graphic Design
AHG - Integrated Cloud and Mobile Applications
0 reviews

AHG provides integrated cloud and mobile applications for small businesses that are modern, innovative, simple to use, can be implemented quickly and increase your company productivity and customer engagement. We specialize in the applications in the areas of: internal business operations, productivity and  mobile commerce.