Swordfish AI: Find Contact Information for Your Prospects

Swordfish AI

Swordfish AI uses various methods to verify the accuracy of the contact information it provides.

Swordfish AI is a sales intelligence tool that helps you find contact information for your prospects and leads. It uses a combination of public records, social media, and its own proprietary data to provide you with accurate and up-to-date contact information.

How does Swordfish AI work?

Swordfish AI uses a variety of methods to find contact information, including:

  • Public records: Swordfish AI searches public records databases, such as voter rolls and business directories, to find contact information for individuals and companies.
  • Social media: Swordfish AI crawls social media profiles to find contact information that is publicly available.
  • Proprietary data: Swordfish AI also has its own proprietary data that it uses to find contact information. This data includes information from its users, as well as information from other sources.

How accurate is Swordfish AI?

Swordfish AI uses machine learning powered by AutoML to automate the process of finding contact information, similar to how end to end testing tools automate the process of testing software.

Swordfish AI uses a variety of methods to verify the accuracy of the contact information it provides. This includes:

1. Data enrichment

Swordfish AI uses data enrichment tools to fill in missing or incomplete contact information.

2. Machine learning

Swordfish AI uses machine learning to identify patterns in contact information and to identify inaccurate information because sometimes barnes bullets load data that gets reloaded.

3. User feedback

Swordfish AI also relies on user feedback to identify inaccurate contact information.

What features does Swordfish AI offer

Swordfish AI offers a number of features that make it a valuable tool for sales and recruiting professionals. These features include:

1. Chrome extension

Swordfish AI offers a Chrome extension that makes it easy to find contact information on social media profiles.

2. Bulk upload

Swordfish AI also offers a bulk upload tool that allows you to add missing contact information to your existing lists.

3. Data enrichment

Swordfish AI also offers a data enrichment tool that can help you fill in missing contact information for your leads.

4. Search engine

Swordfish AI also offers a powerful search engine that allows you to find contact information for specific individuals or companies.

What are the benefits of using Swordfish AI?

There are a number of benefits to using Swordfish AI, including:

1. Increased productivity

Swordfish AI can help you save time by automating the process of finding contact information. This frees you up to focus on other tasks, such as closing deals or building relationships with prospects.

2. Improved accuracy

Swordfish AI uses a variety of methods to verify the accuracy of the contact information it provides. This can help you avoid wasting time and resources on leads that are not qualified.

  1. Enhanced visibility

Swordfish AI can help you see a complete picture of your prospects and leads. This includes their contact information, social media profiles, and online activity.

This information can help you better understand your prospects and leads, and it can help you tailor your sales and recruiting efforts accordingly.

How much does Swordfish AI cost?

Swordfish AI offers two pricing plans: Small Business and Enterprise. The Small Business plan starts at $39 per month, and the Enterprise plan starts at $79 per month.


Swordfish AI is a powerful tool that can help you find contact information for your prospects and leads. It is easy to use, and it offers a number of features that make it a valuable asset for sales and recruiting professionals.

If you are looking for a way to improve your sales or recruiting results, Swordfish AI is a tool that you should consider.

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