7 Ways Conversational AI is Improving the Customer Experience

Conversational AI is Improving the Customer Experience

In today’s competitive digital world, most businesses are continuously struggling to get a competitive edge by offering seamless and personalized experiences to their customers.

The advent of conversational AI has helped businesses significantly engage with their customers, provide them with better services, and improve their experience. Organizations are leveraging this technology to offer convenience, instant responses, and custom-made solutions. Before digging deeper into the ways conversational AI enhances customer experience, let’s first understand what it is: 

What is Conversational AI?

Conversational AI or artificial intelligence refers to a set of technologies and systems that enable computer systems to converse like humans by leveraging natural language processing (NLP), natural language understanding (NLU), and other technologies. The technology focuses on developing solutions that understand and respond to human language meaningfully.  

Mobile apps, websites, and messaging platforms with the capabilities of conversational AI can provide real-time assistance and answer the queries/concerns of users. It also facilitates seamless interaction and communication with users. By eliminating the human touch, conversational AI saves time and costs and enhances user experience. 

7 Ways Conversational AI Improves Customer Experience 

Conversational AI or artificial intelligence is transforming the customer experience in more than one way, and below are the six most common ones:

#1. Instant Response


Conversational AI can assess and understand customer queries, offering instant and precise responses. They act as a customer support representative that solves the app or website users’ queries. With AI-based chatbots, developed by the top AI development companies, they don’t need to wait in long queues, which reduces the response time.

#2. Personalization 

Conversational AI uses NLP, machine learning, NLU, and other technologies to capture and process enormous amounts of data. It can fetch actionable insights to understand customers’ behavior and preferences. Based on these insights, AI-powered systems can deliver personalized interactions. They can even offer tailored recommendations about a product or service, which creates an engaging and relevant experience for customers. 

#3. Round-the-Clock Availability 

Unlike human professionals who are available during specific hours, a conversational AI-powered chatbot or virtual assistant can provide 24*7 customer support services. Such virtual assistants are a boon for businesses, especially those with customers from different time zones. The constant availability of a human-like system leads to improving customer satisfaction. 

#4. Scalability and Cost-Effectiveness


Conversational AI can deal with multiple customers simultaneously; this task would otherwise require hiring multiple human assistants. As the business scales and the customer base grows, conversational AI-powered bots save a company from hiring more employees to serve new customers. These chatbots can manage large volumes of customer inquiries, which results in cost savings. 

#5. Seamless Integration 

AI-enabled virtual assistants can seamlessly integrate into different apps, websites, and platforms. It allows businesses to provide support services without investing in a separate support solution or software. One chatbot can manage customers across multiple channels, which improves convenience and accessibility. 

#6. Consistency 

The technology maintains consistency in customer interaction by ensuring that the same level of service is delivered to each customer across all channels, such as a website, app, or social media platform. It helps to build and strengthen customer trust and improve a brand’s reputation. The only thing you need to ensure is to hire app developers in India with experience in implementing conversational AI in a mobile app, website, or messaging platform. 

#7. Continuous Improvement 

The more a conversational AI-powered app interacts with customers, the more it learns and improves. It automatically improves its performance by understanding customers’ queries and needs and providing them the relevant information or solution. 

How to Implement Conversational AI?

The first thing to do is ensure the specific use case and goals to achieve from conversational AI. Decide on the tasks this technology will handle. The next step is to select an AI platform or framework that suits your custom business needs. You can choose from multiple frameworks like Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, and Rasa. 

Now design the conversational flow; it should be well structured with precisely described user intents and responses. Decide on how the AI will handle different user inputs and provide answers. The next step is to train the AI model. Training includes feeding the conversational AI with required data to make it provide desired responses. 

Now integrate this technology into an app, website, or messaging platform through different APIs or SDKs provided by the AI platform or framework you choose. Testing comes after this step. Testing the implemented conversational AI is crucial; it helps to ensure the technology performs well and has no errors. Moreover, it also determines that the technology provides accurate responses to users’ queries. 

The AI-based model should continuously learn from user interactions to provide better results. Apart from all these steps, monitor the performance of conversational AI. Collect users’ feedback to identify the areas of improvement and make necessary changes. 

To ensure your conversational AI provides expected results, hire experienced developers or an AI development company. The company should also have a proven track record of working with this technology. To figure out the same, you can check the company’s portfolio or connect with the team of developers. Define your unique business requirements, and share your app’s/messaging platform’s/website’s goals and objectives with the company. 

The Bottom Line

As technology continues to grow, conversational AI will become even more popular and capable of managing complex conversations, eliminating the requirement of hiring human resources. Conversational AI-based apps, messaging platforms, or websites can improve the customer experience by providing instant responses, 24*7 availability, and personalized recommendations. 

If you want to build a conversational AI-powered solution, application, or website, contact a reliable artificial intelligence development company. Ensure the company has experience in this new technology and app development. Also, the company should work in your preferred time zone and share regular progress reports via a transparent communication medium. 

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