Dubai Municipality Guidelines to import Consumer Product in Dubai, UAE

Dubai Municipality is sole authority who will monitor and regulate consumer product safety guidelines, To import consumer product every business must be complete the product registration in Dubai Municipality. The Dubai Custom authority will ask product registration certificate at the time of import. in case of unable to present the required documents the shipment may stuck or could be released with a heavy fine. So to avoid such condition it's better to complete the product registration process with Dubai Municipality.

Dubai Municipality Guidelines to import Consumer Product in Dubai, UAE

Dubai has been seen tremandous growth in all sectors in few decades. Dubai has started as oil producing countries and later in shifted as tourism hub but from very begining dubai has connected all middle east and gulf countries thorugh it ports.

The rular of UAE has build great infrastructre of sea port which allow multiple countries to setup a business hub in Dubai. Dubai is a center of wholesale market not only for middle east but also it serve north african countries.

therefore it has began to receive multiple kind of consumer products which can be used inside UAE as well as it will re-exported in other counties. To manage such huge volume Dubai has developed a great mechanism of consumer safety and product information gathering through Product Registration in Dubai Municipality .

Product Registration in Dubai Municipality

The main purpose of Product Registration is consumer safety. Dubai municipality is regulatory to hold adequate information to evaluate the safety of products.

If the product meets the guidelines set by Dubai Municipality you will receive a product registration certificate once it is approved or registered. Make a note that every product must be registered in Dubai municipality before placing on the market.

Even if the products are imported products for re-export purposes.

Why Product Registration is mandatory in UAE?

  1. Products Registration is necessary as each product which will be imported in UAE for local trading should be registered in any emirates municipality or concern authority and get a registration certificate that will be required at the time of shipment clearing.
  2. The Products Registration process ensures that each consumer product has all the necessary information on its label, which helps the customer to get clear info on what he or she is buying.
  3. Products Registration process insure consumer safety by analyzing each consumer product ingredients report. This process checks the availability of any substance that may be harmful to the human body. On other hand this process highlight restricted or not suitable ingredient for human use. This type of product will be rejected or will be asked for some correction as a remark during the process.

Category Of Product Registration In Dubai Municipality

  1. Cosmetic Product Registration
  2. Detergent and Disinfectant Product Registration
  3. Food Product Registration
  4. Health Supplement Products Registration
  5. Pet Animal Food Registration

How we can help you 

Our Product Registration specialist is responsible for reviewing, evaluating and ensuring that your product registration documents comply with the set of Dubai Municipality regulations. We understand the importance of achieving your product registration in UAE.

If you are looking for product registration in Dubai, Our Product Registration Team will assist you to complete the procedure and will guide you in preparing the required documentation. Our team will take over the complete process from start to end.

Thus we assure you that we will provide you a hassle-free experience in product registration. We have a proven track record in Products Registration in Dubai Municipality.

News From

ELEGANT SERVICES - Business Setup & Product Registration ServicesELEGANT SERVICES
Category: Corporate Governance and Audit Profile: Elegant Services is a Product Registration Consultant and Business Setup services provider in Dubai since 2009. Our Product registration services includes cosmetic product registration with Dubai Municipality, Food Products Registration with Dubai Municipality, Dietary Supplements Product Registration with Dubai Municipality. Pet Food Registration and Detergent & Disinfectant Product registration are some of the services we assist in Dubai. Our Business Setup in Dubai Services includes Mainland ...
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