Exam Fever - Kill stress, not your health

March is the season of exams knocking at the door. Same at midnight when someone knocks on your door, everyone gets scared. Likewise, exams are such an intangible feeling that first causes butterflies in the stomach then it starts to increase stress. And if it is BOARDS then to all family members. But, I have one question I know education is necessary but is exam marks decide the future of any person?

Pressure on the mind is good!!!
It is a fact that in exams or in any situation when anyone puts pressure on their mind they perform well. But wait, anything which is taken in high quantity can be harmful.

The same is with stress. Much stress can lead to overthinking and it opens the way for creative ideas not only positive ones but also negative ones.

Time Duration
In this blog, we are pointing out to students who are now moving ahead in their life and preparing to live the college life. Hence I can say from my experience that actual exams start after the completion of exams.

Days between the completion of exams and till result are so stressful, as so many things going on in mind-

1) Family Pressure including relatives
2) Marks to qualify for the college entrance exam
3) What would be your career after getting less marks
4) No one to guide the student about career planning

One should take exams seriously but by chance, students after exams don't know about their career planning, or which course one should opt for. Many students choose a course or give college entrance exams because their family was saying or friends are choosing.

They are blank on what they want to become, and what are their strengths & weaknesses as they are critical while doing career planning which we ignore easily.

Hence, it is recommended to visit admission consultants as they not only help in career planning but also in finding strengths & weaknesses. As they will go through your interest, academic excellence, etc.

Many institutes/colleges organize admission counseling services at the time of admission into the college to help students in selecting the best course for themselves so that it can be a part to lead them towards success in the future.

Stay positive, some wise person has said when one door gets closed then other doors get open. Never compromise on your health, take positive steps and all will go well, trust me.


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