How to Hire IoT Developer at Half of the Usual Cost?

How to Hire IoT Developer at Half of the Usual Cost

The Internet-of-Things is one modern technology that connects sensor-equipped objects. It plays an important role in broadcasting information across compatible communications networks, devices, software applications, and other devices.

The rise in IoT-powered smart homes and wearable devices results from people's hectic lives. Manufacturing, healthcare, and retail are all using IoT products more often to stay connected and intelligently interact with their resources and assets.

In 2021, the highest level of downloads and installations of IoT mobile applications for Android and iPhone was reached. These apps allow remote control and management of IoT sensor-compatible devices.

If you forgot to turn off your Smart LED lights at the house, it could be a problem. Don't worry. IoT apps will accomplish this.

IoT mobile applications on devices allow users to manage IoT gadgets and machinery by unlocking IoT living app and clicking on their mobile screens.

According to research, the global Internet of Things market (IoT) is expected to grow from nearly 308 billion USD by 2020 to 1,854.70 trillion USD by 2028.

You might also want to be ahead of the curve and offer IoT-based products.

You could build an IoT smart wearable application. Here's the problem: how do you hire IoT developer?

Skills you Should Look for in IoT Developers

First, IoT encompasses many technologies. These include machine learning, automation, and wireless systems.

The IoT application developer should have a broad skill set that includes more than one technology.

These are the nine skills that an experienced developer will most certainly need.

Knowledge About Hardware

IoT relies on components or devices like IoT application wearables connected via the cloud. This includes digital-first devices and physical-first devices, as well as many sensors.

It takes a solid understanding of hardware design to manage all these components.

Developers may need to use engineering software and other programs to create a smart network of devices, systems, and machines that will work together to accomplish a goal.


IoT is all about connectivity. It allows devices to communicate with other cloud-based applications and services.

A developer must design a network that can easily manage all connected devices and is simple to use when creating a large IoT project. They need to have a solid understanding of network design to build such a network.

They must also be familiar with protocols and network standards. You may sometimes need specialists with very specific knowledge.


A large IoT project that involves a lot of devices and systems must be able to communicate with one another's data. This raises privacy concerns, data loss, malicious attacks, and many other issues.

A customer requires a system that is safe and has a foolproof structure. To create a system that prevents data loss and unauthorized access, an IoT developer must have a good understanding of digital security.

UI/UX Design

People expect a user-friendly design that is simple to use on desktop and mobile devices. Your customers will find it easier to use your software if it is responsive.

This is why it is important to ensure that you hire an IoT developer who has a solid understanding of UX and UI to create a user interface your customers love.

Business Intelligence

An IoT system requires you to collect, store, and analyze data to improve your services. To make sense of data, a dedicated developer must understand its value.

Hire IoT developers with the knowledge of business intelligence to manage data.

Mobile Application Development

To make everything portable, a mobile application is necessary. An IoT developer must be able to create both iOS and Android apps to enable the user to connect to the IoT system from anywhere.

API Automation

Because IoT systems must process a lot of data and have many interfaces, nearly half of their value depends on their operability. Developers must be able to connect manual and automatic testing.

Data Science

Big data power IoT. Developers must make sure that all data collected works seamlessly for their users. Big data is so popular that cities have begun to embrace it to find solutions to their infrastructure problems and invent new ones.

An IoT developer must be able to integrate big data into the project in a meaningful manner to find new solutions to problems.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI can be used to make autonomous decisions, while ML improves services based on the data.

An IoT developer must design a system that can collect large amounts of data and then analyze it to predict the outcome. They will need to have a good understanding of AI and ML.

Cost Factors for Hiring a Software Developer

The cost of software development depends on many factors. These include the technology stack and the experience level of the employees.

You need to know what type of specialists you're looking for to calculate your budget for development accurately.

Type of Software That you Would Like to Create

What is the cost of software development? This question will be answered based on what type of solution your company requires. Let's suppose you only need a wearable mobile app.

You will likely need only a few wearable app developersto create this application. If you plan to build an enterprise-grade system with complex features like AI or Virtual Reality, however, you will need more skilled specialists.

Their hourly rates will also be higher.

It is also important to decide if you require integration with a third-party platform. You should also consider which platform you will use to integrate with third-party platforms.

This factor can impact the price of your product and the cost of hiring an app development team.

You can accurately estimate the cost of software development if you spend more time defining the project's scope.

Technology Stack

Technology stacks will impact the cost of a developer's work. As you can see, a typical salary for a back-end development professional is higher than that of a front-end one.

Building your software can require a lot of technology that not all programmers are familiar with. Finding the right developer can be difficult.

These specialists will demand high wages for their work, knowing their particulars.

The higher the complexity and variety of the technologies required, the higher the custom software development costs.

Developer Skill Level

As you can see, developers who have more technical skills and work with complex technologies will be paid more. Experience is another important aspect.

Developers with five years or more experience will be charged more than those with only one year.

Outsourcing vs. Hiring In-House Developers

This decision will have a significant impact on the cost of the software. In-house developers will cost more than outsourcing teams, but they are a better option if you have permanent needs for specialists.

You can hire part-time in-house developers for small projects that are not too complex at hourly rates. For large-scale projects, however, it is more cost-effective and efficient to hire experienced software developers companies.

These companies may offer a dedicated team of developers to augment your in-house team temporarily.

Local vs. Overseas Developers

This is a factor that determines the cost of hiring a software developer. However, it does not apply to all cases.

The cost of hiring a freelance programmer is often independent of where they live. However, location is important when hiring an outsourced team.

The hourly rate for developers in the USA is 2.5 to 3x higher than that of Eastern Europe.

In summary, it is often more profitable to hire outsourced developers than to expand the in-house staff.

What Does It Cost to Create an IoT Application?

The average IoT app development cost is between $20,000 and $60,000. For example, IoT apps for monitoring machines and systems would cost $25,000+.

Similar to manufacturing, an IoT app would cost around $50,000.

The cost of IoT application development, or any solution, will depend on several factors such as:

  • Types of applications that are long with complicity
  • The cost of IoT app development will vary depending on how many developers are part of your app development team.
  • It all depends on how long it takes to design, develop, test, and then post-develop an IoT app.
  • The cost of developing mobile applications varies depending on where you live. Take, for example, South-East Asia's custom mobile app developers will charge between $20-$40 an hour. Mobile app development companies in Eastern Europe will charge $30-50. The best Mobile App Development Company in India will Charge $50-$25

Final Words

IoT mobile app development is hot right now, as there is a high demand from all industries for IoT-based apps. IoT app development is a promising future in all industries, including automotive, healthcare, smart home automation, security, and healthcare.

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