A Definitive Guide on Mobile Application Development Technology Stack

Mobile Application Blog

Mobile application development is a complex task. It goes through multiple stages of development phases. Starting from app ideation to designing the prototype, you need the right technology to build the app successfully.

There are countless technologies for developing mobile applications. And each technology serves a certain goal.

Therefore, if you want to make your mobile app development project fully successful and make the best use of all resources, you should have knowledge of choosing the best mobile application development technology stack. 

And this blog will guide you to make the right decision and craft the perfect list of frameworks and programming tools for your app project. 

But before we start, let us first understand what exactly the tech stack means?

What is Mobile App Development Technology Stack?

Tech stack means a combination of all required tools, frameworks, programming languages, UI/UX design software, and other technologies to build a fully-functional mobile application. The mobile app development process is primarily based on the following categories. 

Front-end development- This is the front side or client-side of the app. It basically defines how users will interact with the app. 

Backend development- The backend or server-side development process deals with the user inputs. 

Development framework- This inlcudes technology like programming languages, faremworks, UI/UX design tools, wireframing tools, and more. 

APIs- These are basically third-party interactions. APIs arse mainly used for enabling a particular feature or service in the app without the need for development. 

The choice of tech stack varies on mobile OS platforms. There are popular tech stacks which are used by developers and mobile app development companies. 

Tech Stack for iOS app development

Programming Labgauges

  • Objective-C
  • Swift

Development frameworks

  • Xcode
  • AppCode

UI/UX Design tools

  • UIKit
  • SwiftUI

Tech Stack for Android development

Programming Langauges

  • Java
  • Kotlin

Development frameworks

  • Android Studio

UI/UX Design Tools

  • Jetpack Compose
  • Android UI 

Tech Stack for Cross-Platform Development 

Programming Langauges

  1. React Native (JS
  2. Flutter (Dart)
  3. Xamarin (C#)

Why it is Critical to Choose the Right Mobile App Technology Stack?

Mobile application provides many features to users. Whether it is a social media app, eCommerce app, food delivery app, mobile app needs the right features to solve the consumer and industry’s problems.

You will need to update your app in the future with the latest features and provide ongoing solutions as per the future trends. 


Therefore, it is highly important to choose the right tech stack that allows you to create the required features in your app. Any wrongly or miscalculated selection of technology can not only hamper your app development resources but also cause a big financial loss.

For example, you choose a framework that doesn't have support to create the feature which is the currency in demand. Then, you will have to change the entire source code or migrate the code to a different framework.

And this whole process will ultimately increase your app maintenance cost and cause unnecessary app development costs. 

How to Choose the Best Mobile Application Development Technology Stack?

1. Prepare a list of Questionnaires

The perfect mobile app technology stack is powered with all essential as well as additional technologies that enable you to create effective features for your app. Thus, before you start the selection of tools and other technologies, first prepare a list of questionnaires.  

  1. What type of mobile app do you want to make? Either native, hybrid, or cross-platform mobile app. 
  2. What is the goal of your mobile application?
  3. How it will solve users' problems?
  4. On what device the app would work? Android or iOS, or Both?
  5. Will the technology stack support you to make updates in your app in the future?
  6. How secure is the tech stack?
  7. Will the tech stack allow you to build some exceptional features?
  8. What is the development speed of the tech stack?

2. Focus on the Goal of Mobile Application

Every mobile has a certain goal. You need to make sure that the mobile application development technology stack you choose has coding and programming solutions that support your app in achieving its goals.

Different tech stacks have different mobile app development goals. Hence, you should check when you hire a mobile app development companyor developer they must use the appropriate tech stack.

If your app is designed for providing on-demand food delivery services for iOS users, the teach stack should have coding functionality for the food delivery concept. 

3. See Who is the Parent Company Behind The technology

Each technology is maintained by a particular company. Flutter is managed by Google. React is maintained by Facebook.

Similarly, other technologies. Knowing who is the parent company that is maintaining the controlling that framework matters a lot. As Flutter is backed by Google, it gives you full assurance of product reliability and future advancement. 

Big brands have the resources to bring new innovation in their framework. They continuously bring updates in their framework or SDK.

So when you know there is a big or reliable stakeholder behind the framework, it eliminates any potential risks like framework shut down or not completely closed, etc. 

4. Check How Much Liberty to Use on Multiple OS Platforms

The tech stack should support you develop an app that can run on all mobile OS platforms- Android, iOS, Windows, and Web. However, if you are developing a native mobile app for iOS users, the tech stack would be specific.

But if you want to create an app that runs across all platforms, choose cross-platform frameworks. For example, Flutter, Ionic, React Native, are the popular cross-platform developmentframeworks.

5. Consider the Security Standard of the Tech Stack

No matter what tech stack you choose for the mobile app development, it is critical to consider what is their security level. You should see how robust their framework is? How much it is hack-proof? Any security breach in the tech stack may hamper your server data or user privacy. 

The Bottom Line

Mobile app is a dynamic application. It requires continuous maintenance and updates to make it consistent with the market trends and user expectations.

The tech stack you select should allow you to manage and enhance the performance of the app whenever needed in the future. A professional Mobile Application Development Companyhas some pre-defined standards for choosing the tech stack.

Therefore, you should consult an agency or expert developer who can guide you in choosing the right technology for your app. 

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