6 Key technologies that are driving IoT development

The Internet of Things (IoT), under the influence of several exclusive technologies, is on the verge of booming into the next major technological wave. Its potential to redefine our lives is simply unexplainable. Each of the top IoT wireless technologies has its strengths and weaknesses and is therefore best-suited for different IoT use cases.

The IoT (Internet of Things) is expanding and, being influenced by other elusive technologies, it is all set to become the next major tech wave. IoT has the potential to completely redefine the way we live.

Let’s take the example of heart patients who have to repeatedly visit their cardiologist to have their heart rate monitored and other important tests performed to avoid further risk. With IoT, however, these patients don’t have to depend only on their visit to the cardiologist because they can share their hourly updates with their physician.

Wondering how will they share hourly updates? Well, they do this with the help of IoT connected (wearable) heart monitor devices that enable the physician to periodically assess the patients’ information and advice the suitable course of treatment. This saves the time and hassle involved in frequent consultations with the doctor while ensuring that the accurate information is provided to the doctor and at the right time.


Not only healthcare providers, but other professionals and businesses can largely benefit from the Internet of things powered mobile app development services. IoT works by assuming the position of a potent force that requires support from different technological advancements.


These technologies may not support the Internet of Things primarily but as they progress and develop further, they may end up boosting the IoT innovation overall.


Let us have a quick look at the 6 key technologies that are driving IoT development.


  1. Cloud computing: Internet of Things is set to generate huge data volume which means you will need ample space just to store the data so that your IoT app continues to perform as expected. The space is required for processing the data as well as for storing the data. This is where you will benefit from Cloud Computing. In fact, for this reason, we can say Cloud Computing is driving the IoT.


Cloud computing boasts of an immense potential to immaculately and quickly process massive data. For example, where multiple smart devices transfer crucial health information and data to healthcare providers worldwide, massive data volume is produced.

Quite obviously, only the cloud has the caliber to process such huge data efficiently. Thanks to the countless developments in innovation, cloud computing remains the most potent driver for the IoT development.


Furthermore, the cloud is getting highly efficient and more scalable day by day. Countless cloud-based solutions and platforms are being developed to leverage the benefits cloud has to offer.

This will make way for easier data exchange between multiple platforms because IoT isn’t restricted to laptops, desktops, or mobile devices. You may take the help of an IoT app development company to make the most of this fast growing technology.


  1. Automation of marketing: The key exponents of most activities that are contributing to IoT’s rise as a predominant force are the multinational technology giants interested in achieving commercial gains. Internet of Things has an incredibly great potential to provide relevant information about customers in substantial volumes. For example, information about their preferences, hobbies, devices they use, places they visit, and more. International companies may use such precious data for customizing and selling their products and/or services to fit their targeted markets. Internet of Things can empower such firms in generating items that are fully customer-focused.


Software developers today are working towards building marketing automation software that can automate all the processes and procedures of marketing such as segmentation of customer, customer data integration, campaign management, etc. Furthermore, there’s a huge investment taking place to creating intelligent (AI powered) marketing automation tools and systems that can use the vital information that IoT devices provide. 


IoT is equipped for providing vital and actionable customer data that any intelligent marketing automation app would need. This is where the A IoT development servicescan be helpful to a business seeking a combination of AI and IoT.

AIoT refers to Artificial Internet of Things. We can conclude that marketing automation as well as the IoT are, thus, mutually dependent.


  1. Blockchain: The third key technology that is driving the development of IoT is the “blockchain”. Combining IoT and blockchain technology can be highly beneficial for businesses as well as customers because it guarantees that data is reliable, authentic and products are genuine. Let’s understand this with the help of an example. When IoT devices are used for tracking goods through the process of manufacturing, each component may be assigned a unique digital-ID which enables its movements and history to be stored in tamper-proof, indelible, and secure blockchain repositories. Resultantly, businesses as well as customers can rest assured for the products are exactly as described. An IoT app development company can help you combine blockchain and IoT and multiply the advantages of both the platforms for your business as well as your customers.


  1. Boom in app technology: Recently, there has been a great app innovation that has resulted in the scaling up of IoT development. So, we can say this is also a key driver propelling the growth and development of IoT. In general, applications allow exchange of data among various devices. In short, they provide almost all that IoT has to offer. Apps play a vital role in the IoT development and these days they are being used for countless purposes such as:


  • Movie ticket booking apps
  • Car parking apps
  • Apps for noise monitoring
  • Assessment apps
  • Health monitoring apps


  1. IPv6: At number five, we have IPv6 as the key technology driving the development of IoT. Internet of Things will make it possible to connect millions of devices. Unquestionably, all the devices that are connected to each other will require IP addresses of their own. IPv4 is the most popular internet protocol at present but it is not able to deal with the surge in the demand for new IP addresses. Other than this, some concerns of IPv4 can hinder the development of the IoT. Since IPv4 is the most secure IP and there is a large volume of confidential data to be shared via IoT, so it can be quite risky.


IPv6 is the newest IP that succeeds IPv4. With IPv6, all these and other concerns are addressed well.

Furthermore, IPv6 has several other benefits also such as it offers 4x more bits on the internet for addressing a device. The extra bits allow you to enjoy millions of IP address combinations.

It can also accommodate virtually any space requirement. Above all, it has an optional feature (IPSec) for highly secure connection between multiple devices.


  1. Sensors: Many factors, such as interaction between various devices and their technological affiliations, contribute to making Internet of Things truly outstanding. Sensors are amongst the key components of Internet of Things. For example, you use your car key’s sensors to lock and lock the car from a distance. This means a message is transmitted instantly for your doors to lock or unlock and for the glasses to go up and down. All this is possible because of the sensors. With IoT sensors, however, you can do more than this such as turning on/off your AC even when you are not at home, closing the tap remotely, switching on/off the lights of the house from far away, and much more. The need for IoT and A IoT development services will rise accordingly.



Internet of Things or IoT is still a new concept to many of us and a lot of projections, doubts, and speculations around it are but obvious. However, it will still find a way to advance and develop further with key drivers such as the 6 we discussed in the post above.

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