Serial Entrepreneur Amit Bohensky has been appointed to head lead’s friends organization

Serial entrepreneur Amit Bohensky has been appointed to head LEAD's Friends Organization - The Leadership Development Track. Bohensky will contribute his skills and experience to the expansion of training and developing the next generation of youth leadership.

Amit Bohensky sold his ventures in tens of millions of dollars to Verint and Matrix, issued ZOOMD on the Canadian Stock Exchange, and now heads an international investment fund ( that produces a new business model for dozens of startups in crisis. Over the years, he has served as a mentor for leading tech entrepreneurs.

Now, Bohensky will use his connections, skills, and extensive experience - which helped him establish, develop and lead dozens of startups and companies - for a completely different kind of project. He will take the helm as head of the LEAD Friends Organization, a non-profit, non-governmental organization that was established in 1999 to train the next generation of leaders in Israel. The training program developed by the organization is unique on a global scale and highly valued by professionals in Israel and around the world. In recent years, the organization's model has been replicated at the international level.

Every year, approximately 120 adolescents in the 11th grade are accepted to the organization, out of more than 6,000 applicants from around the country. LEAD believes that leadership is derived from real-world experience, which is why the organization's ambassadors initiate, plan and carry out various community-based projects aimed at improving the well-being of their community, and society at large.

To date, the organization's ambassadors have set up more than 600 community projects. Over the years, 11 of the projects have become independent organizations and non-profits that operate successfully all over Israel.  Some projects initiated by LEAD ambassadors include Knafayim Shel Krembo, Zikaron Basalon, The Sky is the Limit, Naim Le'akir, Sunflowers, Rodeyna, and more.

Amit Bohensky says, "I am proud of the opportunity to take part in the great work of LEAD and to serve as the head of the Friends Organization. I came with the goal of contributing from my experience and business skills and bringing the organization to new heights. As part of their training, LEAD's ambassadors initiate and manage inspiring projects related to the social issues and gaps in Israel. I will help them with guidance and practical tools that can turn dreams into reality. It is amazing to see young people who take care of complex projects at all stages, from raising the money, to managing the people to the execution of the final product. Especially at these challenging times, it is important to preserve and nurture the young generation, the human capital of the State of Israel, because in it lies its future."

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