Distance Learning via Video Conferencing - Benefits of the Usage

The market of online education is growing rapidly. Over the pandemic time it gained a lot of new tools and services that make distance learning easier for everyone.

Remote learning process is possible via messengers and platforms with books and tasks. There are also many tools and websites that are important in online education. For example, law essay writing service or coursework planner.

But, above all, videoconferencing plays a crucial role in imitating real classroom work. 


What Is Video Conferencing

A video conference is a communication session between two users or a group of users, regardless of their location. The number of participants on the screen directly depends on the conference mode. And also on the user's role in the current conference.

There are four modes:

  • video call (participant-to-participant);
  • symmetric conference (all participants on the screen);
  • video lesson (all participants see and hear the lecturer, and the lecturer sees and hears everyone);
  • conference call (all participants see and hear only the presenters).

Video conferencing is not only about video communication.

There are also collaboration tools that are indispensable for corporate communications. 

Advantages Of Web Conferencing

According to eLearning Industry, the market for e-learning solutions grew by 900% between 2001 and 2017 alone. 

The opportunity to study via conferencing attracts many. In the coming years the proportion of children who receive education remotely will only grow. All because the tools for remote studies are increasing every day.

1.  Self-Control

You can identify weaknesses during training and work on them

Strong online lessons and work on special educational platforms transparently show the picture. You can see in which subjects you are brilliant, and where there are significant gaps.

You can also watch yourself on video and determine your attentiveness while studying. Or, conversely, distraction and inability to concentrate. This negatively affects the final result. Problematic points should not only be soon identified, but also worked out immediately. Face-to-face training does not allow revealing such hidden problems. They are often not visible to the teacher due to the large number of students. 

2. Self-Management

With learning via conferencing you have the opportunity to choose your own schedule. There is no competition between the classmates. And there is no rush not to fall behind others. You can always revise difficult questions. Also, video conferencing services offer recording possibilities. Thus, you can rewatch lectures as many times as you need. You can also skip the parts you already know - a desirable but impossible tool in the real world. 

3. Studying From Anywhere

Video conferencing makes education more accessible. Everyone can study from anywhere in the world. To start learning, you only need a computer with Internet access and proxy servers in some instances. The absence of the need to attend an educational institution every day is a definite advantage. For example, for people with disabilities, for those who live in hard-to-reach places and for parents with small children.

It is also possible to study several courses at the same time to get the next higher grade. To do this, you do not need to take vacation at the main place of work or travel on business trips. There are educational organizations that provide corporate training. In this case, education does not interrupt work experience, and the skills learned can be immediately applied to working life.

4. Higher Results

Research shows that the results of distance learning are superior to traditional forms of education. Of course, it requires a higher degree of motivation while studying remotely. But, in general, the memory and concentration of distant students tends to get higher. All because of self-management and more individual tasks. Plus, a student gets the importance of studying more. There are no excuses that you didn’t understand the topic, or skipped the class. Everything is already recorded. 

5. Focusing On What You Like

With a regular course, you can’t cherry-pick. You either have everything at once, and you have to follow every lecture in your study plan. With videoconferencing as a tool, studying gets a lot easier. Not only can you schedule conferences for topics you like and enjoy, but also record them and rewatch any time you need. Plus, communication with a professor via chat is way more comfortable. You can even ask questions after the lecture, and you will get a fast and precise answer. Way easier than writing an email!


Why You Need A Video Conferencing Classroom

Thus, as you clearly can see, there are a lot of major pros of conferences in distance learning. Try converting the studies in this format and you will get lots of positive feedback from the students. Videoconferencing is also useful in business training and meetings. Getting everyone in a big room, organizing coffee breaks and individual talks can be exhausting. The right software can do it all for you. 

No doubt that real-life meetings and lectures will still remain popular. But, it is always better to learn new technologies and use their advantages for your benefit. 

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