How to Choose the Right Chatbot for Your Business in 2020

Everyone in the business domain is talking about artificial intelligence and machine learning. Ask the chatbot development company to incorporate this particular feature too.

Everyone in the business domain is talking about artificial intelligence and machine learning. Also, it is quite fair to state that both of these technologies have certainly transformed almost every major aspect of our personal as well as professional lives. It has been studied that a significant section of global executives actually believe that AI will certainly allow their own companies to obtain or even sustain a certain competitive advantage easily and is essentially going to play a bigger role in the overall enhancement of the productivity of the organization. It has opened up new avenues for mobile app development services too.


Hence, when it comes down to the entire applications of Artificial Intelligence technologies, among them, chatbots are certainly the most popular and creating the most buzz all over. Most of the business wishes to implement chatbots. Chatbots are also expected to cut major business costs by a huge margin too. Hence, chatbot development services are profiting from this trend.

Along with its major applications in the entire Business to Customer space, the chatbots are actually revolutionizing the Business to Business as well as Business to Enterprise organizational scenarios too. 

Table of Content 

  1.  Introduction
  2.  Chatbots in Business Domain
  3.  How to Choose Right Chatbot 
  4.  Conclusion

Chatbots in Business Domain

When it comes down to businesses, chatbots need to be readily accessible and available across a wide range of channels as well as integrated with various internal business systems such as Supply Chain Management as well as Customer Relationship Management, being the utmost priority.

Hence, when you need to come up with a particular bot development strategy, you have different options. Essentially, a single task bot isn’t actually a feasible option for the businesses which require an automated workflow that is coupled with the integration of both internal as well external ecosystems as well as the application of NLP or natural language processing.

So, chatbot frameworks help programmers with different structures with which they can easily create individual chatbots. But, these frameworks are just a collection of a fixed set of tools as well as services. Also, all the frameworks apply to a particular fixed set of use cases and can easily be utilized to easily assemble as well as deploy a particular single-task bot, that will certainly lack the end-to-end development as well as various ongoing management capabilities.

Also, frameworks tend to be quite useful in case the use case was quite small, but for a business where the entire requirements, as well as scope, are much more demanding, this is exactly where the actual chatbot platform comes right into the frame.

How to Choose Right Chatbot 

1. Multiple Chatbot Types Performing a Multitude of Tasks

This particular functionality is quite imperative for businesses since it allows them to track as well as streamline different functions at once easily. Essentially, in ideal case scenario, the business should have the inherent ability to easily deploy a particular chatbot which works on a particular single task along with not only creating but also deploying a multi-purpose chatbot which easily communicated with the multiple business systems and executes as well as completes multitudes of tasks within each and every one of them.

The entire chatbot development platform need to provide pre-built as well as ready to deploy bots that address particular use cases such as customer support, lead generation etc., along with the inherent ability to easily customize them to easily suit the business requirements so as to readily handle multitude of different workflows as well as processes related to various customer interactions as well as business offerings.

2. Support of Multiple Channels

Businesses need to look for particular chatbot development platforms where the chatbots can easily be deployed to the mobile apps, website, or channel of their own choice with the user interface which is easily customized for each of these channels, be it email, SMS or social media. Along with that, the chatbots need to have the ability to easily interact with various corporate tools such as Skype, Slack, Telegram, etc. Ask the chatbot development company to incorporate this particular feature too.

3. Speech and Natural Language Processing Support

Complete training of the chatbot is another major consideration when it comes down to the entire scalability of the chatbot. Does the chatbot development platform inculcate NLP training? Can the chatbots maintain quite accurate interactions as well as conversations using text or even speech? Essentially a chatbot platform that offers NLP as well as speech support often tends to offer the best results when it comes down to understanding the actual user intent and even replying with the actual and relevant content, generally post-assessment. 

4. Deployment of Intelligent Chatbots via the Platform

Chatbot development platform needs to have intelligent chatbots that understand as well as recollect and even constantly learn from the consistent data as well as information that is gathered from every customer interaction. It even includes the requirement to maintain the overall context of the request of the customer during the entire interaction and utilizing Machine learning to essentially develop further and also perfect its entire NLP capabilities. Custom software development of chatbot based system needs this aspect to be duly taken care of.

5. Inherent Ability to Bridge with Chatbot Platform

The question arises whether the platform has the ability to share messages among users, bots as well as cross-functional systems. It would certainly include sharing of messages which are stored among users as well as bots and systems along with success as well as failure categorization of messages. It even offers a comprehensive as well as a clear view of the functionality of the entire chatbot development platform and hence the bot.

6. Developing the Chatbot

Chatbot platform needs to be an intuitive, interactive and web-based tool for the purpose of designing, developing, and customizing chatbot which is based on bot’s tasks, use-cases as well as channels where it needs to be deployed. It needs to have the option to completely restart the process of building the bot from scratch or even reusing the developed components as well as testing the chatbot build right throughout the entire development cycle.


Businesses have to factor in as well as truly determine what particular chatbot development framework or relevant platform will augment as well as facilitate the speed, flexibility as well as scalability to support their customers as well as employees. While there are different bot-building frameworks and platforms which are providing a lot of features, it is quite imperative for the businesses to actually assess as well as identify which particular features will essentially matter and also facilitate the better and actual bottom lines.

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