Computer Support company saves business from going bust

Local computer support saves Kit shed business form going bust after malware attack.

A local Brisbane based kit shed business nearly lost all hope when their ctitical business data was infected with Ransomware. The business data was unreadable as the Ransomware encrypted all the data on their server. Computer support company in Brisbane - Server Guru IT Support recognised the ransomware as "WanaCry".

"Fortunately for us we had backups, Server Guru implemented a sound onsite and offsite backup solution, we now sleep at night knowing that we are taken care of, in case of disaster we can roll back to a previous backup" said the GM.

IT consultant Bill from Server Guru explained "Business backups are key in recovering from cyber-attacks and malicious software like "ransomware" where a client’s data is infected and held ransom, in many cases paying the ransom does not guarantee the business getting its data back".

A third of Australian businesses have experienced a cybercrime of sorts. Losing data because of malware or malicious attacks cost Australian businesses in excess of $270 000 on average.

The latest wave of malicious software known as ransomware is big business, nearly 50% os cyber-attacks are caused by ransomware. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that locks your computer, system or network until you pay the cybercriminal owner a fee.

Naturally, the first defense against these attacks are user awareness. Employees should be made aware of the dangers of opening unsolicited emails and attachments.

Having up to date anti-virus software is a necessity but should not be not always counted on as a way to prevent these malware as many malware are rewritten and not always detected by antivirus signatures. Only when these new variants spread across the internet and are exposed to be causing harm are they submitted for analysis to antivirus labs for testing.

This leads me to discuss the importance of a good backup strategy. No business should be without at least one backup system in place. The recommended way to do backups would be to have separate backup systems, one for local backups and another system that sends backup to offsite servers. 

A decent backup strategy is the only way to recover from a cyber-attack where malware is used.

Server Guru IT Support  has developed a small business backup strategy  that will secure small businesses from today's cyber-attacks.

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