Businesses are going bust because of this

Businesses in Australia are being targeted by hackers.

Australian businesses are losing millions in revenue every year through data loss caused by Malware. Recent surveys show that ransomware is the fastest growing cyber threat.

Ransomware is a type of malware that infects your computer, system or network rendering it useless until you pay a ransom fee. After the underlying contamination, the ransomware endeavors to spread to shared capacity drives and other open frameworks.

On the off chance that the requests are not met, the framework or scrambled information stays inaccessible, or information might be erased. After the underlying contamination, the ransomware endeavors to spread to shared capacity drives and other open frameworks. On the off chance that the requests are not met, the framework or scrambled information stays inaccessible, or information might be erased. 

Ransomware contaminates PC's in a similar route as different sorts of virus malware, for instance it tends to be appended to or connected from an email, covered in websites links or claim to be valuable applications on shared systems. 
It doesn't make a difference how huge or little your business is, or whether you hold profitable data, ransomware stops you getting to the documents that are critical to you and your business. Can you imagine losing all your business data in one go?

How to protect your business data

Get your business systems protected by up to date antivirus. The only way to recover from a malware attack is through backups. A proper backup strategy can save your business! Get in touch with an IT Support business for guidance.

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