noHold Enhances Customer Service with the Integration of Virtual Assistants and Live Chat

As a recognized leader, with over 15 years of experience in the Virtual Assistant space, noHold has developed a list of best practices; the integration between a Virtual Assistant and live chat through live chat connectors is one of them.

noHold’s live chat connectors are a set of open API’s that link noHold Virtual Assistants to any live chat application. The integration of the two provides a way for companies to better support their customers, while getting them most out of their investments.

First, the end user asks the Virtual Assistant a question. The Virtual Assistant will either provide the end user with the correct information (ending the interaction for that customer), or if it does not know the answer, it can provide the option to escalate to a live chat agent. If the latter occurs, the chat log is sent to the live chat agent. This will provide the agent with an understanding of the customer’s need and can address the issue quicker; without the end user having to repeat the problem. Once the live chat agent is available, there is a seamless transition between the Virtual Assistant and live agent within the same interface, improving the experience for the end user.

There are many advantages to integrating a Virtual Agent and live chat together:

Resolves abandonment issues
A web-based, self-service tool is available 24/7, while a live chat agent is only available during business hours

Queue pollution
“Our objective is to create the best self-service experience possible for our customers’ end users.

In some cases it is appropriate for the Virtual Assistant to escalate a session to a live agent either to help resolve a problem, or to up-sell a pertinent product or service.” -Diego Ventura, CEO and founder of noHold.

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About noHold, Inc.
noHold is a privately held company established in 1999 and is headquartered in Milpitas, CA, USA (Silicon Valley). noHold is the acknowledged leader in Web based self-service solutions with a mission to deliver real answers to real questions – real fast. Simple to use, easy to implement and as close to human as you can get, noHold turns automated customer support into cognitive customer interaction. noHold customers include Toshiba, Lenovo, Cisco and a host of industry leaders. Most information can be found at

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