2017 - A new dawn for wearables

2017 A New Dawn for Wearables

We have seen that the market for the wearable technology becomes mainstream over the last few years. But what next? What is the new age for the wearable technology, what more needs to be explored? To know more about the “wearable revolution” read on. . .

What is a wearable tech?

Well, let’s clear one doubt. A trendy pair of headphones or a digital watch is not wearable tech.

Although, if we go as per the name, wearable technology is essentially the gadgets that you can wear.


The new age of the wearable tech is laden with smart sensors, make use of internet connection, and connect to the devices using Bluetooth or other wireless technology. For connecting to the general human population, some sensors are used and help individuals achieve their goals such as staying fit, active, losing weight or being more organized.

At the start of the year, CSS insight had released a report forecasting the overall use of wearables for the year 2016-2020. Below, we are discussing the disruptive nature of the wearable technology, its use in our daily life apart from it being just a fad and future insights and opportunities.

Wearing Wearables

Wearables are mostly wrist-worn, but the trend has seen a major shift and the wearables now are also sold with the theme of them been worn around the neck, over the eyes or clipped to the body.

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Types of Wearables


Wrist-worn devices, connected to your mobile device, acting as mini-windows onto your digital life. Showing the time is just “a” feature, they will notify you about your calls, messages, emails, etc.

Fitness Trackers

The fitness trackers come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and sophistications. Usually clipped to a belt or worn on wrists, they help you in maintaining the number of steps that you have made each day.

Now, brands are taking more interest in your daily caloric burns and exercise, keeping a continuous check on your heart rate.

Sport Watches

These watches fulfill the need of those who love to jump around and run and swim, and do all sorts of adventure sports.

Head-mounted Displays

The data is converted into a virtual information and then is sent directly to your eyes, making your mind believe that you are in that place, Oculus Rift have successfully done this.

Smart Clothing

The Ralph Lauren Polo Tech Shirt uses biosensing silver fibers that are woven into the shirt, which helps is storing the biometric data which is then manipulated on an app using a mobile device. The shirt can track calories burned and the intensity of the movements in your workout.

Smart jewelry

Imagine, living a fantasy life of a spy whose gadgets are smart enough to alert the user of texts calls and emails, in a discreet way, even when the user is away from the phone.  


Though we need to wait till 15 to 20 years for this segment of the wearable to be more advanced, the implementation of the technology is immense, be it in the medical or surveillance field.


The use of 3D printers to produce life-saving organs and living tissues will come one step closer to reality.  We have seen that 3D printed braces have already become a reality, and with the rapid advancement in this technology, it will provide patients waiting for a transplant a new lease of life.


The development of these devices, tools will be more focused on personal security. Imagine the ring that you are wearing or the necklace that you have worn around your neck is a panic button or a spy camera that is directly connected with your loved ones.

Yes, that is a reality. And it can be used in better ways to enhance the security of an individual.


Further Insights and Opportunities for Wearable Apps


This figure depicts the popularity of Wearable technology for the past years

The future for the wearable technology is very promising because of the advancements of technology that is occurring parallelly. Wearable Tech Market To Be Worth $34 Billion By 2020.

The future of wearable tech indicates that 411 million smart wearable devices worth a staggering $34 billion will be sold in 2020. So, companies are preparing themselves for the current and upcoming opportunities of wearable app development whether it is for consumer apps or enterprises.

Undoubtedly, wearable technology will bring thousands of opportunities for getting closer to the consumers.

RapidOps as Wearable App Development Company

RapidOps, Inc. is a Charlotte-based digital solution provider that develop digital products including website, mobile apps, wearable apps, etc using advanced technologies that people love to use.

As developing wearables have now become one of our core competencies, we can assure our clients the best-in-class wearable application.

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Category: Software Developers Profile: Rapidops Inc. is a technology, transformation, and analytics company. We help clients design, engineer, and launch advanced digital products and platforms that enable them to thrive and achieve more for their customers. Since 2008, our team has delivered thousands of projects and hundreds of digital products that are touching millions of lives daily, solving tough problems, and changing the way people live, work, and engage. We are working with companies like Dassault Systemes, Harris Teeter, B ...

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