The Biz Hub an Online Resource For Australian Businesses Live from 7th August 2014.

Available on Thursday, 7th August, 2014, this online membership portal will transform the way small business owners will do day to day business, increasing their productivity and their success.

Did you know that most Australian business owners will spend upwards of 3 hours per week looking for resources and templates to make their working lives easier… but taking 3 hours out of a working week for a small business literally means, taking time away from working on their businesses, and spending time with their families.

The Biz Hub has done all of the research and templating for them. Giving that 3 precious hours back to the business owner and even educating them in how to be more successful.

What does The Biz Hub do, and why is it different?

• Templates and business resources at your fingertips
• New content delivered weekly
• Access to free business coaching
• Online help
• Online forums to connect with like minded business owners
• Monthly webinars to keep on top of business development
• Quarterly wine and learn networking sessions with keynote speakers
• Online education
• Latest government and policy changes updated
• Mobile friendly
• Access to fully vetted preferred supplier lists
• Every member has full access, there are no hidden level memberships that you need to pay more for.

One of the creators of The Biz Hub, Naomi Aldred said, “The Biz Hub team of creators collectively run 6 businesses… and this is a wealth of knowledge and expertise that we wanted to bring to the Australian small businesses owner to help them save time, money and start to increase their successes from avoiding some of the pitfalls that we all have seen. To be honest, I wish The Biz Hub was around when I started my first business, or even when I first hired an employee… would have ensured I did not recreate the wheel.”

The areas that The Biz Hub covers range from:
• Planning
• Sales
• Marketing
• HR
• Systems and processes
• Finance and accounting.

The Biz Hub will be live from Thursday, 7th August, 2014 for as little as $9.95 per month and the creators are looking to build a mobile app to accompany the resource shortly.

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