Cybercrime Law & the Consequences of Bullying, an Article Published Today By NoBullying

Cybercrime Law & the Consequences of Bullying, an Article Published By NoBullying

It seems almost impossible that an average teenager could function without online access. There’s no denying that being connected online is now an inevitable part of life and that it’s impossible for a parent to control 100% of any child’s computer activity. NoBullying releases today the guide to Cybercrime Law.

The guide states that as companies race each other toward newer and faster ways to communicate, the technology gap between kids and their parents is becoming wider by the day. Smartphones, tablets and laptops have become the norm for many youth and teenagers, parents often hesitate to step in and monitor how these devices are used.

It is essential for a parent to start discussing a specific cybercrime law with children which might open their eyes along with the parent’s.

Their peers could be bullying them, for instance, or they could be developing a close online friendship with a predator masquerading as a peer. That’s why it’s absolutely crucial to engage in an open, ongoing conversation about the need for a cybercrime law, and about the dangers of everything from sharing a selfie to responding to a message from a supposed acquaintance on social media.

Many parents choose to focus on the positive part of their children’s social media exchanges, happy that their reserved child is finding a community in which he belongs, or thankful that their gossipy teenager is spending her nights texting instead of sneaking out or driving with inexperienced friends. But a cybercrime law might make it harder for predator to use those experiences for harming one’s child.

Cybercrime laws are essentially needed to protect teens and children from the potential dangers lurking behind a computer screen.

Macartan Mulligan, Co-Founder of, said “Cybercrime law is an urgent need to be looked at by lawmakers. Everyone must press for tougher more strict laws on cyber safety for kids and teenagers now.”
He added that parents and teachers should make a point to educate the younger generations about the sad outcome of bullying online and offline. According to Mulligan, it is quite imperative to press for more firm laws condemning all acts of bullying and harassment. features many pages dedicated to parents, teens, teachers, health professionals as well as posts related to cyber safety and the latest news about law making concerning curbing Bullying worldwide as well as inspirational Bullying Poems and famous Bullying Quotes.

The website regularly updates its bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics as it is essential to understand how widespread the bullying epidemic is. It also regularly runs cyber bullying surveys and questionnaires to get recent updated statistics on everything related to cyberbullying.

He also added that anyone suffering from bullying in any form or way can always find advice and help on the NoBullying website – but if anyone is suffering from severe bullying or cyber bullying, the best thing is to talk to someone locally – a parent, teacher or local organization that has been set up to help with specialized councilors to deal with this topic.

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