Taking the Agile Product Ownership Role to a Higher Level

In an effort to take advantage of the speed and efficiency offered by Agile software development and Scrum, many organisations oversimplify the process. As a result, the responsibilities of the role as the Product Owner, the key function of which is to act as a bridge between the software development team and the key players in the organisation, are likely to overwhelm and frustrate everyone involved in a project.

Some of the symptoms of an Agile development process gone wrong include:

  • Incomprehensible and bloated backlogs
  • Extended planning meetings that fail to yield the details needed for a successful product delivery
  • Time pressures that prevent work with users and customers
  • Failure to meet deadline consistently
  • Aggravated business stakeholders

With these kind of headaches, who would want to be a Product Owner? Certainly not Jeff Patton, which is the reason he used his 20 years of product leadership experience and skills in Agile project management and Scrum to develop strategies for product owners that foster an enjoyable collaborative work culture among the development team and key stakeholders. Teams that employ his strategies create and deliver user-friendly software that offers exceptional value and success in the marketplace.

Best Practices + Building Stakeholder Relationships = On Time, High Value Product Releases

As a Certified Scrum Trainer, globally recognised Agile development expert, and winner of Agile Alliance’s 2008 Gordon Pask Award for his contributions to Agile development and user centric design, Jeff Patton has seen firsthand the problems that arise when a Product Owner fails to establish an effective collaborative relationship with the key stakeholders in a project. As a result, he focuses his highly interactive workshops on experiential exercises to teach the best practices for fostering participation from UX practitioners, business analysts, marketing professionals, lead engineers, and other stakeholders during the product discovery phase, which facilitates rapid design and product concept validation. One example of the collaborative design practices Jeff highlights is Story Mapping, which he creates to arrange user stories to develop an understanding the functionality of a system and identify the missing pieces in a backlog to plan and deliver a comprehensive release successfully that offers maximum value to users and the business stakeholders. He also covers the elements of sound project management, design, lean start-up and UX thought processes. Given Jeff’s user centric focus, these workshops are also beneficial to those in your organisation who make decisions about the product, such UX practitioners, business analysts and leader developers. 

Jeff Patton returns to Australia for a series of Passionate Product Ownership YOW! DepthFirst Workshops

Break through the isolation experienced by many Agile teams by developing a passion for collaborative product ownership. Put your passion into action with the sophisticated strategies presented by Jeff Patton at the next YOW! DepthFirst Workshop.

In addition to the practical skills you’ll gain when you attend this two-day workshop, you’ll also earn the Scrum Product Owner Certification and a two-year membership in the Scrum Alliance

In case you missed attending YOW! 2013, you can watch Jeff Patton's talk on "Safety Not Guaranteed: How Successful Teams Ignore the Rules to Create Successful Products" HERE 

Take advantage of the small group, hands on training at this YOW! Depth First Workshop that provides attendees with the opportunity to interact with a leading expert in Scrum Agile Development as well as other talented Australian developers. 

Register today for one the following Passionate Product Workshops



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YOW! - Australian Developers ConferenceYOW!
Category: Technology Conferences Profile: How Did YOW! Begin? Dave Thomas, an international adjunct professor at QUT in Brisbane, was responsible for bringing YOW! to Australia.  YOW! first started in Denmark under the name JAOO (Java and Object Orientation). During one of Dave’s visits to Brisbane in 2007 developers were complaining about the difficulty they had gaining access to top speakers.  As Dave was on the planning committee of JAOO, he called Denmark from the pub and after some discussion it was agreed tha ...
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