Westinghouse and Ontario Power Generation Sign Agreement to Service Global Nuclear Markets; MOU Covers Service, Refurbishment, Decommissioning and New Plant Projects

Westinghouse Electric Company and Ontario Power Generation, Inc., through its subsidiary, Canadian Nuclear Partners, today announced an agreement that would enable the two companies to work together on a wide range of global nuclear projects.

Under the agreement, the companies will consider a diversity of nuclear projects including refurbishment, maintenance and outage services, decommissioning and remediation of existing nuclear facilities, and new nuclear power plants.

“This is a great example of two highly respected companies bringing their complementary strengths and capabilities together for the common good of the global nuclear energy industry,” said Westinghouse President and CEO Danny Roderick. “This relationship will further add to Westinghouse’s advanced products and services that support our global customers’ efforts to improve operating efficiencies and achieve cost-effective energy security and diversity while not damaging the environment with greenhouse-gas-emitting sources.”

Westinghouse has considerable experience deploying its services and products to the global nuclear customer base, including engineering and project management services, plant modifications, outage and maintenance services, instrumentation and control upgrades, nuclear fuel, and its state-of-the-art AP1000® nuclear reactor.

“OPG is pleased to work with Westinghouse and looks forward to exploring possible synergies between our companies,” said Tom Mitchell, OPG President and CEO. “We anticipate that OPG’s expertise in plant maintenance, upgrades and refurbishments will be well augmented by the service offerings and global experience of Westinghouse.”

OPG is recognized around the world as the leading operator of CANDU reactors. In 2012, OPG’s Darlington Generating Station was awarded the Institute of Nuclear Power Operators Award of Excellence in recognition of its world-class performance.

“In Ontario’s 2013 Long Term Energy Plan, the Government encouraged OPG to explore new business lines and opportunities inside and outside Ontario to the benefit of all Ontarians,” said Ontario Minister of Energy Bob Chiarelli. “This new business relationship between Westinghouse, a powerful presence in the global nuclear market, and OPG, also a world leader in safety and operational expertise, will bring further value to Ontarians from OPG’s assets, its people and increase job creation for the sector and Ontario.”

Westinghouse and OPG have collaborated recently on several key projects. Currently, Westinghouse is performing work to design filtered containment vents at OPG’s Darlington Nuclear Power Station as part of the site’s refurbishment program.

Westinghouse Electric Company, a group company of Toshiba Corporation (TKY:6502), is the world's pioneering nuclear energy company and is a leading supplier of nuclear plant products and technologies to utilities throughout the world. Westinghouse supplied the world's first pressurized water reactor in 1957 in Shippingport, Pa., U.S. Today, Westinghouse technology is the basis for approximately one-half of the world's operating nuclear plants. AP1000 is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All rights reserved.

Ontario Power Generation is an Ontario-based electricity generation company whose principal business is the generation and sale of electricity in Ontario with a focus on the efficient production and sale of electricity from their generation assets, while operating in a safe, open and environmentally responsible manner.

Canadian Nuclear Partners works with nuclear and power sector industries, in Canada and around the world, to deliver sustainable safety, value for money, operational and human performance excellence. Formed in 2012, CNP offers expertise in project management, operations and strategic leadership, work and outage management, inspection tooling development, inspection services, reactor maintenance, machine dynamics and component integrity, plant lifecycle planning, engineering, plant refurbishment and repurposing, plant decommissioning, and nuclear waste management.

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