Effective Measure drives Australian invasion of top tech companies in Asia Pacific

Secures inaugural place in Deloitte’s 12th annual ranking of 500 fastest-growing technology companies in APAC

Effective Measure has secured a debut position as one of the fastest-growing technology, media and telecommunications companies in the 2013 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific ranking.

The annual Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific program, now in its twelfth year, ranks the 500 fastest-growing technology firms in the region. Effective Measure, headquartered in Melbourne, is an Australia founded online measurement specialist and leading provider of digital media planning solutions and research in emerging markets.

“As a global company that was forged in Australia and developed across the emerging markets of the world, we deeply value the recognition from Deloitte. Our inclusion in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific reflects the dedicated work and commitment to the region that out team throughout the Asia Pacific has made over the last few years. This regional acknowledgment assists in enhancing our charter to provide disruptive solutions to the emerging markets of the world,” said Effective Measure CEO Richard Webb.

Australia has emerged as one of the leading countries for growth and innovation with 66 companies ranking in the top 500, which is six more than in 2012 and 13 more than in 2011. Effective Measure ranked 63rd joining the Australian technology invasion that includes, BlueChilli Technology, Kogan, PlanB Logistics and B2Cloud.

“The inclusion of Effective Measure in this ranking and among such a group of impressive innovators from the Australian technology sector is a testament to the calibre of the Australian technology sector which we are proud to be a part of. We are focussing our efforts in bringing our best of breed and adaptive measurement solutions and technology to new markets across Asia and Africa,” Webb added.

Effective Measure will be operational in forty one countries by year end with recent expansion to markets including, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Kenya, Morocco, Zimbabwe and Nigeria. Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50 Program leader Joshua Tanchel said, “in the traditional business world, Australian company growth may previously have been constrained by the size of the domestic market. However, in the high growth digital economy that is no longer an issue. By utilising the internet and mobile technology Australian tech companies are building businesses that compete and win globally.”

The Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific 2013 winners consist of the 500 public and private technology, media and telecommunications companies headquartered in Asia Pacific, that have achieved the highest rates of revenue growth over the past three years. In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must have base-year operating revenue of at least US$50,000.

Effective Measure’s solutions are deployed around the world by the digital media sector including many of the world’s major media agencies, leading marketers and millions of global websites, including clients OMG, GroupM, IPG Mediabrands, Private Media, Network Ten, Haymarket Media and MSN.

The full list of winners of the Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific program for 2013 and details about the nomination and eligibility criteria of the program can be found on http://www.deloitte.com/fast500asiapacific

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About Effective Measure
Effective Measure is the leading provider of media planning and audience profiling solutions in the emerging markets, bringing best practice online measurement data to premium publishers, ad agencies, ad networks, advertisers and researchers. Our solutions offer media planners invested in Middle East, Africa, Asia, India, and Oceania, a clear insight into the state of the Internet and the ever-growing consumer population. www.effectivemeasure.com.

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