GS1 Australia launches the smart digital asset management solution - GS1 SmartMedia

GS1-Australia-launches-the-smart-digital-asset-management-solutionThe adage that "A picture tells a thousand words" is never truer than when it applies to your promotional materials. Once your products grow into the hundreds and thousands, the number of images and other product-related digital assets skyrockets and can become difficult for you to manage, slowing down your response to requests for access to those assets.

Some businesses use software like Google's Picasa or IrfanView that essentially are intended for personal use, when what is really called for is an effective business-oriented digital asset management package.

GS1 Australia has launched GS1 SmartMedia, the new smart solution that satisfies your need for a single source of valid, up-to-date and authenticated images, multimedia files and other basic product information, ready to share with your trading partners. 

Developed over 18 months by GS1 Australia and GS1 New Zealand in collaboration with industry partners, GS1 SmartMedia was officially launched in Sydney at GS1 Australia’s Supply Chain Week 2013 in September.

Maria Palazzolo, CEO of GS1 Australia, says businesses today face the online revolution challenge of providing consumers and trading partners with instant access to visually engaging product information, product images and other product-related digital content at all times. 

“Our new GS1 SmartMedia service is an exciting initiative that will help businesses meet this challenge, in the simplest way possible, by providing a single source of multimedia and digital assets to share with their trading partners.” 

This new smart solution will enable manufacturers and retailers to exchange all kinds of high-resolution digital images and other multimedia files required for the production of printed collateral, websites, Point-of-Sale, videos, product planograms, mobile apps and other types of digital assets for general promotional use. 

“GS1 SmartMedia is the ideal, low-cost standards-based industry solution for the sharing of authenticated, multimedia content. Businesses also have the option of loading content directly, via third party solution providers, or through the GS1 Photography Service,” added Ms Palazzolo. 

Michael Joiner, National Shelf Management Manager from Metcash Food & Grocery said, “GS1SmartMedia is an ideal solution for receiving product information from our suppliers. It will definitely save us time and effort downloading images, digital assets, etc.” 

The many benefits of GS1 SmartMedia also include businesses being able to use the service as a central internal registry (intranet) of digital assets across different departments.

GS1 SmartMedia will also enable companies to provide product images for use across other GS1 services, including GS1 GoScan and GS1 Recallnet.


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